Thursday, July 17, 2014

How to Use Evernote to Back Up Your Blog Posts

You never think about backing up your blog until something happens that has you in a tizzy. For me, that something was that I accidentally deleted a fun book activity my daughter and I did using the book, Don't Squish the Sasquatch. It was awesome.

And now, it's gone.


That was a time in my blogging journey in which I didn't send an email of the blog to myself or make back ups of any kind. In fact, the disappearance of Sasquatch is why I came up with a content management system in the first place.

Click on "Read More" to see how you can easily back up your blog posts to an online repository with a simple email.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Stop Abusing Your Followers! Monetize Your Blog The Right Way

There are few things about the internet that get me riled up anymore. Aren't we all now just a little jaded? I used to get bothered by the obscene amount of cats and grammar police who seem to take up so much space in cyberspace.

The cats - oh, the cats! Pictures of cats just being cats. Cat memes. "Happy Caturday Morning." Oh, you're just so fucking witty with "Caturday" that I can't help but snicker and pee a little.

Grammar Police. We get it, you can correctly identify the use of you're, your, their, they're, there, loose and lose. But please, for the love of everything holy, just GET OVER IT. I don't hate that someone used a word improperly; I hate that you feel you need to demonstrate your intelligence (read that as annoyance) in pointing it out to them. You are an ass hat. 

Okay, so maybe I'm not quite as forgiving on that one as I thought.

But here's the one we're going to talk about today... Abusing followers. Oh yes. Abusing. Your. Followers. Are you guilty of this? Click on "Read More" to find out - and fix it if you are.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Blogging Is Only About the Numbers

I am a new blogger and I am mad. 

Okay, maybe not mad. I am... Confused? Perplexed? 

No, let's go back to mad.

Mad is good. Just read this shit. 


It will piss you off. And being pissed off about this is a good thing. 

It will also {hopefully} raise your spirits if you're new to blogging. Which, let's just face it... If you're new to blogging, you need someone to feed you a steady stream of liquor and laughter. 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

How To Have A Blogger Image Widget Open in a New Tab

I wanted to document how to make an image widget open up in a new window. Why? Because I didn't want to send my audience away from my site.

I wrote this tutorial because:
1. I wanted a step-by-step guide for those of us who don't know diddly about coding. 
2. it was frustrating (and intimidating) to mess around with HTML when I'm not exactly tech savvy. I thought there could be someone else who could benefit.

In my attempts to make my active website, Ruffles And Rain look nice, I wanted to craft a custom image for a featured Pinterest board but have it open in a new window. 

There are other ways to do this, but using the Image Widget is just so easy!